Applewood Smoked Bacon Mashed Stuffed Trout Tasty Recipes With Bacon

recipes with bacon, how can we love thee? Let's count the ways! For breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and everything among, see our favorite approaches to cook within this most magical and seductive of ingredients for the month's valuation on dishes including bacon and potato casseroles, bacon jam, bacon mac and cheese, bacon-topped salads, bacon dip, bacon sandwiches, mac and cheese recipes with bacon and even bacon cookies.

Applewood Smoked Bacon Mashed Stuffed Trout

"Applewood Smoked Bacon Mashed Stuffed Trout evokes the flavors of camping, whether the trout are pulled from a stream or fresh from the local market, made over a fire, hot off the grill or served right from the oven."

Ingredients :

  • 1 (4 ounce) package Idahoan® Applewood Smoked Bacon Flavored Mashed Potatoes, dry
  • 4 medium size trout, cleaned and rinsed
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • 2 tablespoons lemon thyme, chopped

Instructions :

Prep : 10M Cook : 4M Ready in : 25M
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  • Divide the dry packet of Applewood Smoked Bacon Flavored Mashed Potatoes in half.
  • Using half of the dry mashed, lightly dust both sides of the trout.
  • Prepare the remaining half of the potatoes using one cup of hot water.
  • Stuff the trout with the prepared mashed potatoes.
  • Add pepper and sprinkle with herbs.
  • On stove top, add a little olive oil to a cast iron skillet and bring to medium high heat.
  • Sear the trout on both sides, about one minute per side.
  • Turn off the heat and place the skillet in the oven.
  • Continue cooking the trout for 10-12 minutes or until trout is opaque and flakey.

Notes :

Take a peek at some of our favorite recipes with canadian bacon recipes from all around the world. Swimming pool is vital making it's very easy in the house using ingredients that you could find easily around the grocery store.

Therefore we write this short article About Applewood Smoked Bacon Mashed Stuffed Trout. For anyone who is proud our recipe, please share the next few paragraphs, so others will also know this delicious recipe

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